Admin: Other Tab

NOTE: This topic applies only to Summer 2005 and later Advanced Chart Roll-Ups. If you are working with a prior release, please see “Web Part Properties (Pre-Summer 2005 Only)” instead.

When you are finished making your selections on this tab, click any other administration tab to save your changes and keep the administration interface open, or click OK to save your changes and return to the roll-up display.

Thread Web Part

When this checkbox is selected, the web part (Web Part A in the example below) is allowed to manage its own threads, rather than submitting threads to be serially queued in the SharePoint thread management process. This allows parallel execution of multiple web parts, improving server performance under heavy loads.

NOTE: This option should only be enabled if you meet the following criteria.

      Your web server has multiple processors

      Web Part A is being used for heavy transactions against SQL server, returning 1000+ Items

      There is a heavy user load on web part A

      You have configured the IIS application pool corresponding to the virtual server to use multiple worker processes (a.k.a. Web Garden)

Enabling this option on Web Part A may not improve the performance of Web Part A. However, this option is designed to allow Web Part A to run independently of the SharePoint web part queue. This means that control will be returned to the SharePoint process more rapidly, allowing other web parts and web part pages to be rendered while the “expensive” Web Part A is running.

IMPORTANT! Only perform the following steps if you understand the use and impact of editing the web.config file.

If you enable this option and notice that the web part times out, you will be required to update the web.config for the virtual server hosting the site where this web part is being used.

NOTE: Make a copy of the web.config file before attempting the following.

The web.config file has a line which states "<WebPartWorkItem Timeout="7000" />". This specifies the amount of time given to a thread to collect and present data. If you are collecting large amounts of data, this may need to be increased to support this higher load. The 7000 represents 7000 milliseconds. If you wish to allow a thread to execute for a longer period, you must change this to the value you require. (Example: 60 Seconds = 60000). Some experimentation may be required.

Cache Data After Filter

When this checkbox is selected, the web part will cache the data after a filter operation has been completed. This setting is overridden if a web part connection has been enabled.

Cache Per User

When this checkbox is selected, the roll-up results will be cached per user instead of for all users. The difference is that if your users have the same access to the same data collected by the web part, it may be more prudent to turn this off so the data is stored in memory only once. The opposite holds true if your users have access to different pieces of data; in this case, it would be more effective to enable Cache Per User.

Enable Cache

When this checkbox is selected, caching of the data collected by the web part is enabled. When enabled, all information collected by the web part will be stored in the server’s memory for future use. This can save on performance, as data is not collected each time a hit is completed on the web part. Since the web part executes a double-hit against the page to create the calendar image, it is recommended you activate this property.

Don’t Use Web Part ID

By default, the URL of each chart image includes information that references the web part ID.  The ID changes each time the web part is reinstalled on a page.  If you create a link to a chart whose URL includes a reference to this web part ID and then the chart is changed or accidentally deleted, the link will not work. 

If you place a mark in this checkbox, the Image ID will not include a reference to the web part ID, and the page will maintain the identity of the image.  This allows you to use the image on another web site or SharePoint site without having to worry about the web part being deleted and recreated.

Cache Interval (minutes)

This field is used to define an integer to reflect the number of minutes for which information will be cached. The default is 1 minute, but this can be increased or decreased as necessary. The only entry permitted here is a number.

Filter Cell Name

This field is utilized when a cell consumer connection has been established between another web part and this one. It identifies the cell that you want to filter on for the results that are collected by this web part. For instance, if you have collected the Date Due field and you want to compare it to the End column from another web part, you would type Date Due in this field. Once that is done, all filters would be performed via the "Date Due" column.

SPS My Site Path

This field allows you to change the default SPS My Site characteristics of the web part. By default, the web part will modify the URL "/mysite" to point to "/personal/User". This allows the web part to search through the MySite section of SharePoint Portal Server. However, SPS allows the administrator to alter the URL definition for each SPS server. To accommodate this, the SPS My Site Path field allows you to alter the web part to support your organization’s SPS My Site setup.

Chart URL

This field is used to define the URL to link to when a user clicks on a piece of data in the chart.

Chart URL Alt Text

This field is used to define the text that is displayed when a user places their mouse over the chart and a link is displayed. Make sure the proper variables are used within the title tag. For example, title='${value}' returns the data value with a $ symbol in front. To learn more about value substitution, see Parameter Substitution Properties.