Modifiable DWP Properties

CorasWorks web parts have a number of properties that can be modified by manually editing the DWP file associated with this web part. You can edit a DWP file by exporting the web part to a location of your choice, making the desired changes, and then uploading it back onto your site.

The properties described here allow you to change the function and display of the web part. Please keep in mind the XML namespace of the web part you are changing, or these properties will not be enabled within the web part.  XML namespaces for all CorasWorks web parts are provided in the For Developers help topic.

Also note that some of these properties some may require the use of a "<", ">", or "&" symbol. If that is the case, you will need to replace these characters with their encoded equivalents of "&lt;", "&gt;", and "&amp;" respectively.

These properties are only viewable in the DWP if the default settings have been changed.

BaseDWP (String)

The BaseDWP property allows you to override the internal DWP file that the Roll-Up Wizard uses to create new roll-ups from. By using the BaseDWP property, you can modify the default behavior of the web parts you create with the Roll-Up Wizard. For example, you could change the default behavior for the Allow Minimize property from true to false. Any new web parts you create would have their Allow Minimize property set to false.

When you modify the BaseDWP property, you should start with the following string and add or change values.

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<WebPart xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns=\"\">
<Height />
<Width />
<DetailLink />
<PartImageSmall />
<MissingAssembly>This Web Part has failed to load due to a missing software file. Please contact CorasWorks ( and provide them with the name of the Web Part [%Assembly% - Created with Roll-Up Wizard] and the URL in your browser.</MissingAssembly>
<IsIncludedFilter />
<Assembly>%Assembly%, Version=%Version%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%PublicKeyToken%</Assembly>
<ShowAdmin xmlns=\"%xmlns%\">true</ShowAdmin>
<LevelCount xmlns=\"%xmlns%\">3</LevelCount>
<ListTemplates xmlns=\"%xmlns%\">%Schema%</ListTemplates>
<ListFieldNameMapping xmlns=\"%xmlns%\">%ListFieldNameMapping%</ListFieldNameMapping>

<BaseDWP xmlns="CorasWSC.RollUp">BaseDWP</BaseDWP>

EnableChartDisplay (Boolean)

Set this property to “true” to enable the creation of chart display roll-ups using the Roll-Up Wizard. In order to display the chart roll-ups, you will need to have the CorasWorks Chart Display Advanced Roll-Up installed on the server. 

Folder (String)

This is the name of a document library where you want to store the roll-up web parts you create with this instance of the Roll-Up Wizard. If you do not use this property, the web parts will not be stored in a document library, but in the site’s web part gallery instead.

NOTE: To store the web parts in a document library, you must specify the Web Part Storage Site in addition to the Web Part Storage Library. If you do not fill in both fields, the web part will be stored to the current site's web part gallery.

MySite (String)

This property allows you to change the default MySite characteristics of the web part. Currently, the web part will modify the URL "/mysite" to point to "/personal/User". This allows the web part to search through the MySite section of SharePoint Portal Server. SPS allows the administrator to alter the URL definition for each SPS server. Because of this, the DWP Property "MySite" was designed to allow administrators to alter the web part in order to support their SPS MySite setup.
Use:<MySite xmlns="webpart_namespace">/sites/<%Domain%> AND/OR <%User%></MySite>
Example: <MySite xmlns="CorasWSC.Document.RollUp">/personal/&lt;%User%&gt;</MySite>
Settings: <%User%> = User Name, <%Domain%> = Domain Name

SiteURL (String)

Enter the URL(s) for the site(s) that you would like to access and from which you want to return links, sites, and lists. This can be any SharePoint site that resides on the same server as this web part. The format for the URL must be: "http://Site-URL/SiteName".
