
The CorasWorks Roll-Up Wizard™ consists of a single web part used to create roll-up web parts that utilize your own custom schemas, so you can create solutions that perfectly match your specific business requirements.  The Roll-Up Wizard enables you to create any type of roll-up, including action-enabled roll-ups (Winter 2006 only), and use any list, library, or gallery in the SharePoint environment.  As of the Summer 2005 release of the Workplace Suite, you can also use the Roll-Up Wizard to modify any existing roll-up web part on a page.

The Roll-Up Wizard is available only with the Developer Edition and the Small Business Edition of the CorasWorks Workplace Suite; it is not included in the Professional Edition.

NOTE: In order to use the web parts you create with the Roll-Up Wizard, the server on which they are placed must have the underlying CorasWorks web part installed as well.  For example, if you create a custom Contact Spreadsheet Roll-Up, the CorasWorks Spreadsheet Contact Roll-Up Advanced must be installed on the server.


NOTE: If you are interested in viewing the help for this component running on the Workplace Suite Winter 2007 for SharePoint 2007, click here.



Last Modified: July 07