
CorasWorks' Advanced Calendar Roll-Up™ web parts roll up (aggregate) data from across sites to provide you with a consolidated calendar. You can view items for a day, a week, or a month at a time. Calendar roll-ups are the only type of roll-up that show recurring items on all of the date(s) on which that item occurs; other roll-up types simply show the item’s start date. Searching and filtering are both available to decrease the amount of information that is presented by the web part. Calendar roll-ups also support complex filtering to allow for SQL-like queries.

CorasWorks calendar roll-ups support four schemas out of the box, including two for Event lists and two for Task lists. If you have the Developer or Small Business edition of the Workplace Suite (Winter 2005 or later), you can use the Roll-Up Wizard to create calendars for any type of list, library, or gallery that has a date field.

As of the Winter 2005 release, calendar displays include items with past dates. In previous versions, only items with today’s date or a future date were included on calendar roll-ups.


NOTE: If you are interested in viewing the help for this component running on the Workplace Suite Winter 2007 for SharePoint 2007, click here.


Last Modified: July 07