
Why are some of the properties on the Sites & Lists tab grayed out?

When Central Configuration is enabled, some of the properties that are usually managed via the Sites & Lists tab are managed instead by the entries in the Central Configuration List. As a result, those properties will be grayed out (unavailable).

I’m having trouble setting up cascading menus. Do you have any step-by-step instructions I can reference?

Yes, a document is available in CorasWorks Central. The document you’re looking for is called “Cascading Menus – Winter 2006” and it’s located in the Winter 06 section of this page (click here). You may find some other helpful documents there, as well.

You will be prompted to sign in to CorasWorks Central. If you have any questions or issues regarding your ID or password, please contact us at

I changed the order of some items in my Cascading Navigation list, but it isn’t sorting the way I want it to when the menus are displayed.

If you change the value in the Page Order column for one or more items in a cascading navigation list, you need to sort the view by that column before that change will be reflected in the navigation display. Just open the list and click on the Page Order column to sort it. The navigation items will be displayed in the order in which they’re sorted in the list.

I do not see the same sites that someone else does.

This is because you do not have the same rights as someone else. You can only see the sites that you have permission to access.

When I create a new WSS site from my SharePoint Portal, it creates the site without any problems, but there is no Up to Navigation in the upper right corner to take me back to the main portal page.

When the Up to Navigation web part is placed on a page that is in a sub-site within a WSS Site Collection, it displays the sites above.  However, when the web page is at the top of a WSS Site Collection, the Up To Navigation can't show anything higher.  As a result, it "hides" itself from the user.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to have the Up To Navigation to point to the portal level, nor is there a list that can be edited.  The web part dynamically determines where it is in the structure and displays the WSS sites above its current location.  Since the SPS Site Collections are stored in a different area than where they are being tracked (sites vs. Site Directory), the web part cannot point up to the portal. CorasWorks has received requests for the Up To Navigation to show the portal areas and it is being considered for a future release. 

Can I use more than one cross-site group to manage the tabs and views my users can see?

If you are using the Winter 2006 or a later release, the answer is yes, you can. You can configure the SSN web part used to display the tabs and views (or cascading menus) to reference multiple lists. Assign the appropriate cross-site group (or Active Directory group) to each navigation list, and only the members of that group will be able to see the navigation options presented by that list.

How can I put the WVA web part in the left navigation bar in a WSS or SPS site?

As with all web parts, the WVA can be placed onto a page by dragging and dropping it into the desired zone on a page. If you are trying to place a web part onto a page, but there aren’t any zones or there isn’t a zone where you want it, you will need to edit the page and add the zone in Microsoft FrontPage. For more information regarding usage of the Workplace Viewer Advanced and the SPS Workplace Viewer Advanced, check out the Navigation Web Parts Quick Start.

When I expand Administration in the WVA and click Modify Title/Description, I am unable to get the description of the site that I've typed in to display on the site.  Why?

Microsoft's SharePoint Template uses the Site Description as a way of saying what the site is to be used for.  It places the Site Description onto the site's home page, typically under the yellow line.

SharePoint sites are dynamic. They are meant to change as users need them to, so a site may change focus entirely, or it can be repurposed.  Sometimes when an administrator creates a sub-site, the user doesn't know exactly what the site will be used for. 

The Site Description information is not used with the CorasWorks site templates.  This is due to a fundamental difference between our site templates and most of Microsoft's.  Microsoft's SharePoint templates tend to be focused on a single page. The list information is on the left and the views into the lists are on the one page.  CorasWorks site templates feature multiple pages, allowing different ways of organizing information. 

To offset this, CorasWorks has placed the site description in the Workplace View Advance (WVA).  The WVA uses the Site Description as a “tool tip” that appears when a mouse pointer hovers over a site link.

Can I control how text wraps on a tab label?

If you’re using Winter 2006 or a later release, the answer is yes. The Winter 2006 version of SSN will automatically resize the tabs based upon the text identified as the tab label. If the SSN would be wider than the visible area if text did not wrap, the web part will automatically wrap the text for you based on where spaces and punctuation is available.

If your tabs have long labels and no spaces, the web part can be rendered so it is wider than the visible area, causing the browser to display a horizontal scroll bar.

If you want to force a line break and control where the text is wrapped, you can use a <br> tag within the tab label.

Can I control how text wraps on a view label?

If you’re using Winter 2006 or a later release, the answer is yes. The SSN will automatically wrap view labels so that they can all fit within the available space without a scroll bar. If you want to force a line break and control where the text is wrapped, you can use a <br> tag within the view label.

Is there anything I can do to help improve performance?

If you are using Winter 2006 or a later release and taking advantage of cascading menus on the Special Site Navigation web part, there is one thing that can impact performance. CorasWorks has found that navigation lists with a large number of views can inhibit performance. As a result, we recommend that you keep the number of views in your navigation lists to a minimum. The number of items in a list does not appear to be as much of a factor as the number of views.