
I do not see the same sites that someone else does.

This is because you do not have the same rights as someone else. Only items from those sites to which you have access will be presented to you.

I receive the error "No Lists Found."

This indicates that no lists have been found for the site and levels chosen. You should make sure that you have access to the sites you would like search and that you have entered a numerical value into the "Levels Returned" text box.

I receive the error "No Items Found..."

This indicates one of the following:

      The search criteria is incorrect

      The user doesn't have access to the list(s) selected

      The list or site no longer exists

      There is no data within any of the lists you have searched

To test your search text, try searching for text taken directly from one of your target lists to see if anything is returned. If your search continues to yield no results, check that your target lists are populated, that your target lists and sites still exist, and that you have access to them.

The WSS Search isn’t working for me. What should I check?

Search must be enabled within your current WSS site in order for this web part to function.  To confirm this, look within your SharePoint site.  If there is a standard yellow search box on the top right hand corner of the screen, search has been enabled.

If you can’t see the search box, the Service Pack 3 for SQL Server must be installed and then search must be enabled within the WSS Administration properties. This will only function with SQL Server Service Pack 3 or higher.  Once Service Pack 3 or higher is installed and search has been enabled within the WSS Administration properties, give the server time to index the SharePoint list and library data and then execute a WSS search. If the WSS search works, the WSS Cross-Site Search web part will also work.

Why is the search that is run in a roll-up faster than the WSS Search?

The CorasWorks roll-up search performs a metadata search on the document library or list items that it returns.  It does not search through the content of any attachments or documents.  The CorasWorks WSS Search performs a full-text search, which means it searches through lists, libraries, and attachments.  It is an exhaustive search and as a result, it can take longer than the roll-up search.