Admin: Filtering Tab

Filtering allows you to limit the items returned by a roll-up to only those that meet the criteria you define.  When a filter is performed, the roll-up looks for text matches on the metadata returned by the roll-up.  Users can further refine the results by performing searches on a filtered roll-up. Note that filtering allows you to locate data in a specific field, while searching locates data in any field in the list.

Calendar roll-ups are different from most other CorasWorks roll-ups in that they support the use of complex filters. For more information, see Manually Defining a Filter and Using Complex Filters|tag=Using Complex Filters;document=Advanced Roll-Up (Calendar).doc .

There are two available views on the Filtering tab:

      The default view is referenced as the “Filter Builder.”  It provides a series of builder fields that make it easier for non-technical individuals to define filters because it is not necessary to know the correct syntax; the fields prompt you for each necessary piece of information.

      The other view is referenced as “Advanced Filter Settings” and it allows you to manually build a filter. You can use the Complex Filter field to define a filter, or you can use the CAML Filter field to define a filter that utilizes CAML. Click here to jump down to that section of the help.

This topic includes the following subjects:

      Defining a Filter with the Filter Builder

      Manually Defining a Filter

      Tips on Defining Filters

      Conversion to CAML

NOTE: To gain the best performance for filters, use the Filter Builder to build your filters; do not use complex filters.


Defining a Filter with the Filter Builder

When you first access the new Filtering tab, the Filter Builder is displayed as shown in the figure above.  Each component of the filter is comprised of three fields:

      The first field presents a drop-down list of all of the fields that are available for filtering.  Click to select the field you want to start building your filter with.

      The next field is used to select the desired operator for the filter (is equal to, is less than, contains, etc.).

      The third field is used to identify the value you want the filter to find.  You can simply type in the value you want to find, or you can use a function (see “Supported Functions” below).

If you only want to filter on a single field and a single value, all you need to do is click OK or move to any other administration tab to save your filter.  When your filter is saved, it will be converted to CAML automatically. This is done to help improve performance.

NOTE: Do not enter any CAML code in the Filter Builder.  The Builder will automatically convert the criteria to CAML for you. If you have criteria that is too complex to enter in the Filter Builder, use the “Click to manually build a filter” link at the bottom of the tab and define the filter in the CAML Filter field.

The following values can be entered into the third entry field for filters based on Boolean fields:





      0 (translates to False)

      1 (translates to True)

To filter on multiple fields and/or values, you need to define additional filter components. The Filtering tab presents two groups of criteria that can be used:

      The group of fields on the top half of the tab are used to define the “and” components of the filter. The roll-up will only display items that meet all of the criteria entered here. (For example, Status is equal to In Progress AND Priority is equal to High.)

      The group of fields on the lower half of this tab allow you to define the “or” components of the filter. The roll-up will display items that meet any (one or more) of the criteria entered here. (For example, Status is equal to Not Started OR Status is equal to On Hold.)

To define multiple filter components on either the top or bottom half of the tab, click the “Add More Filter Criteria” link in the appropriate section. This adds another set of three builder fields so you can define additional criteria.

NOTE: The Filter Builder works as expected with one, two, or any even number of clauses. However, it needs help with three, five, or any other odd number of clauses. In these cases, the filter must be balanced. Rather than having an odd number of clauses, you will need to add a “dummy” query to create an even number. The dummy query can be an "is not Null" check and exists only to even out the query to be built by the Filter Builder.

The drop-down field in the middle of the tab (below the line) presents two options, Or and And.  If you have defined components on both halves of the tab, select the appropriate option for your needs.

      Select “Or” if you want the filter to locate items that meet the criteria on the top half of the tab or any of the criteria on the lower half

      Select “And” if you want the filter to locate items that meet the criteria on the top half of the tab plus at least one of the criteria on the lower half

NOTE: The Filter Builder cannot be used to build the equivalent of this expression:


If you want to create this type of filter, the filter will need to be defined manually.


Supported Functions

The Filter Builder supports the functions listed below. The date functions are all relative to the current date, and can only be used if the filter is defined based on a date field.

      [ME] – The currently logged in user

      [Today] – Today's date

      [CurrentWeekStart] – The first day in the current week

      [CurrentWeekEnd] – The last day in the current week

      [CurrentMonthStart] – The first day in the current month

      [CurrentMonthEnd] – The last day in the current month

      [CurrentYearStart] – The first day in the current year

      [CurrentYearEnd] – The last day in the current year

      [Quarter1Start] – The first day in the first quarter of the current year

      [Quarter1End] – The last day in the first quarter of the current year

      [Quarter2Start] – The first day in the second quarter of the current year

      [Quarter2End] – The last day in the second quarter of the current year

      [Quarter3Start] – The first day in the third quarter of the current year

      [Quarter3End] – The last day in the third quarter of the current year

      [Quarter4Start] – The first day in the fourth quarter of the current year

      [Quarter4End] – The last day in the fourth quarter of the current year

      [OneWeekAgoStart] – The first day of the previous week

      [OneWeekAgoEnd] – The last day of the previous week

      [TwoWeeksAgoStart] – The first day of the week before last

      [TwoWeeksAgoEnd] – The last day of the week before last

      [OneWeekFromNowStart] – The first day of next week

      [OneWeekFromNowEnd] – The last day of next week

      [TwoWeeksFromNowStart] – The first day of the week after next

      [TwoWeeksFromNowEnd] – The last day of the week after next

      [OneMonthAgoStart] – The first day of last month

      [OneMonthAgoEnd] – The last day of last month

      [OneMonthFromNowStart] – The first day of next month

      [OneMonthFromNowEnd] – The last day of next month

NOTE 1: The filter functions [SiteTitle] and [SiteURL] functions are no longer supported.

NOTE 2: The date functions listed above look for list items with a date format of month/date/year (e.g., June 15, 2007 stored as 6/15/2007). As a result, it is not recommended that they be used if international date structures are utilized (e.g., June 15, 2007 stored as 15/6/2007).

Sample Filters

To help you see how filters can be set up, a few sample screen captures are provided here.

Example 1

In this example from the Partner Extranet Dashboard, a filter is defined to locate leads that have been created within the past 30 days.

Sample Filter Ex3-partner extranetC


NOTE: If you wanted to add 30 days to today’s date, rather than subtract them, you could simply type “+30” above instead of “-30”.


Example 2

This example is taken from the Picture Phone Book solution. It looks for contact items where the last name starts with A, B, C, or D.

Sample Filter Ex2-phonebookA


Example 3

In this example, a filter is defined to look for all items that are due in the third quarter of this year AND EITHER:

      High priority OR

      Not started

Sample Filter Ex1


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Manually Defining a Filter

To access the fields used to manually build a filter, click the “Click to manually build a filter” link at the bottom of the Filter Builder on the Filtering tab. Two main fields are displayed, one where you can build a complex filter and one where you can build a CAML filter. Another link at the bottom of this view allows you to return to the Filter Builder view.

Complex filters allow for SQL-like information queries. They can be comprised of any number of fields and values. For example, you can build a filter that looks for records that are not started, due within seven days, and have a high priority.  The fields available to use for filtering are identified in the Supported Schemas|tag=Supported Schemas;document=Advanced Roll-Up (Calendar).doc section of this help, on the “Filterable Fields” line of each identified schema. If you have defined your own schema, you can filter on any fields that you have selected as display fields or search fields.

The following values can be used for filters based on Boolean fields:





      0 (translates to False)

      1 (translates to True)

For details on defining complex filters, please see Using Complex Filters|tag=Using Complex Filters;document=Advanced Roll-Up (Calendar).doc.

NOTE 1: The majority of the date functions available with the Filter Builder only work with CAML filters. They will not work if you manually build a filter in the Complex Filter field. The date functions that will work with CAML, basic, or complex filters are:








NOTE 2: If you define a CAML filter on this page, you cannot return to the Filter Builder unless you delete the CAML filter. This is by design.


For more information on filters, visit this site:


Override Filter

If this checkbox is selected and a row or cell connection has been established with another web part, the filter defined above will be overridden if a user selects a field in the connected web part. This can be helpful if you would like to have a defaulted view of information returned based upon of the fields from the other web part, so as to control the amount of information returned on the page.

Allow Complex Filter

Select this checkbox to enable Complex Filters. For more details, see Using Complex Filters.

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Tips on Defining Filters

These tips apply whether you choose to use the Filter Builder or manually define a filter.

Available Columns for Filter Definition

Columns do not have to be displayed in order to be referenced in a filter, but they do need to be searchable.  Only searchable columns will be listed in the drop-down field in the Filter Builder. To make a column searchable, the Search box must selected when the roll-up is created or modified via the Roll-Up Wizard. By default, all columns that are selected in the Roll-Up Wizard for display are also marked as searchable.

Renamed Columns

If you find that a filter does not return the data you expected, it may be because the column(s) being referenced have been renamed. When a column is renamed in a SharePoint list or library, SharePoint displays the new column name in all of the appropriate places. However, in the background, SharePoint keeps the original column name.

The Filtering tab automatically converts all filters to CAML, and CAML filters reference the column’s internal (original) name. So, if you have a roll-up (or an Active Display) that pulls from a list that contains a renamed column and that column is used in the filter, the data from that list will not be displayed.

If you want to see if a column has been renamed, go to the SharePoint list’s “Modify Settings and Columns” option and click on the column as if you want to edit it. Look at the URL. At or near the end of the URL will be the name of the column being edited. If it is different in the URL than the column name that is displayed, it has been renamed.

Contains vs. Is Equal To or =

Because SharePoint sometimes stores data differently than the way it is displayed, you may find that you get better results from your filters when you use the "Contains" operator instead of "Is Equal To" or “=”.

For example, you may see the name "Bob Smith" in a list item that includes the Assigned To field. However, SharePoint stores this name with extra characters, so the actual stored value may be something like "3;#Bob Smith." Therefore, if you want to filter on records that were assigned to Bob, you get the desired results if you build the filter with the "Contains" operator.

Using Yes/No Columns vs. Choice Columns with Yes/No Options

It is important to understand the difference between Yes/No columns and Choice columns with Yes and No options.

When you use a Yes/No column, SharePoint stores a “True” value when the field is selected and leaves it blank when it is not selected. As a result, if you want to filter on a Yes/No column, you need to set the filter to look for the appropriate value:

      To filter on a selected (Yes) value, the filter would be
column is equal to True (using the Filter Builder) OR
column=True (manually defining the filter)
(replace “column” with the name of your column)

      To filter on a non-selected (No) value, the filter would be
column is not equal to True (using the Filter Builder) OR
column<>True (manually defining the filter)

When you use a Choice column with Yes and No options, the filter should be defined as:
column is equal to value (using the Filter Builder) OR
column=value (manually defining the filter)

Balancing Your Filters

The Filter Builder works as expected with one, two, or any even number of clauses. However, it needs help with three, five, or any other odd number of clauses. In these cases, the filter must be balanced. Rather than having an odd number of clauses, you will need to add a “dummy” query to create an even number. The dummy query can be an "is not Null" check and exists only to even out the query to be built by the Filter Builder.

When You DON’T Want to Use the Filter Builder

The Filter Builder cannot be used to build the equivalent of this expression:


If you want to create this type of filter, the filter will need to be defined manually.


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Conversion to CAML

All filters defined via the Filter Builder are automatically converted to Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) when they are saved.  The Filter Builder only builds CAML filters.

Unlike some of the other roll-up types, with calendar roll-ups, filters that are manually defined in the Basic Filter field are not and cannot be converted to CAML at run-time.

The benefit of CAML is that it applies the filter to list items before they are collected and stored by the web part and brings back only the items that match both the schema and the filter, thereby improving the web part’s performance.  Complex filters, on the other hand, bring back all of the items that match the schema and then applies the filter at the roll-up level. CAML is particularly beneficial when roll-ups search through a large number of lists to locate data, yet the amount of data returned could be small.  It is also useful for more complex filtering.

You do not need to know how to write CAML code; the conversion will be done automatically.  However, if you prefer to manually define a CAML filter or if the filter you want to create is too complex for the builder GUI, you can access the Filtering tab on the administration interface and select the “Click to manually build a filter” link.  A CAML field will be provided for your entry. Do NOT enter any CAML code in the Filter Builder.

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