Modifiable DWP Properties

CorasWorks web parts have a number of properties that can only be modified by manually editing the DWP file associated with this web part. You can edit a DWP file by exporting the web part to a location of your choice, making the desired changes, and then uploading it back onto your site.

These properties allow you to change the function and display of the web part. Please keep in mind the XML namespace of the web part you are changing, or these properties will not be enabled within the web part. XML namespaces for all CorasWorks web parts are provided in the For Developers help topic.

Also note that some of these properties some may require the use of a "<", ">", or "&" symbol. If that is the case, you will need to replace these characters with their encoded equivalents of "&lt;", "&gt;", and "&amp;" respectively.

These properties are only viewable in the DWP if the default settings have been changed.

Display (String)

This field allows you to use HTML to customize which items are displayed and in what order. The following is the default definition:

<!-- Denotes Beginning of Header //-->

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<!-- Denotes End of Header //-->


<!-- Denotes Beginning of Body //-->

<tr><td><table width="100%" border="0">

<tr align="left" valign="top"><td width="2%"><img src="<%Icon URL%>"></td>

<td width="68%"><a href="<%URL%>" target="<%Target%>"><%Title%></a><br><%List Name%></td>

<td width="30%"><%Date Last Modified%><br>By: <%Modified By%></td></tr>


<!-- Denotes End of Body //-->


<!-- Denotes Beginning of Footer //-->


<!-- Denotes End of Footer //-->

Other available variables are:

<%Total Results%> which displays the total results found. Only available for use in header and footer area.

GroupBy (String)

The field or value by which the search results will be grouped. For example, when this is set to Title, the results will be grouped alphabetically by Title. When the Group By field is populated, it will override the Display and Max Return Count values. Search results can be grouped by the following:

      Site URL

      Site Title


      List Name


      Modified By

      Date Last Modified


GroupByProperties (String)

This entry allows the administrator to specify the look and feel of the grouped items returned by the search, including background color, font style, and whether the initial view should be expanded or contracted. If no properties are chosen, the default "FontSytle" and "TDColor" (background color) properties will be used. Each element of this property must be separated by a comma and there must be no space between each property element and the delineating commas. Color may be identified in Hex format or as a color name.

Row Color,Font Style,true/false

blue,font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: white; font-weight: bold,true

First Element = Tree-View TD Background Color, Second Element = Tree-View Font Style, Third Element = Expanded/Contracted (true/false)

LevelCount (String)

This property is used to identify the number of site levels down to search.

MySite (String)

This property allows you to change the default MySite characteristics of the Web Part. Currently the Web Part will modify the URL "/mysite" to point to "/personal/User". This allows the web part to search through the MySite section of SharePoint Portal Server. SPS allows the administrator to alter the URL definition for each SPS server. Because of this, the DWP Property "MySite" was designed to allow the administrator to alter the web part in order to support their SPS MySite setup.
Use:<MySite xmlns="webpart_namespace">/sites/<%Domain%> AND/OR <%User%></MySite>
Example: <MySite xmlns="CorasWSC.Document.RollUp">/personal/&lt;%User%&gt;</MySite>
Settings: <%User%> = User Name, <%Domain%> = Domain Name

NoResults (String)

This property is used to identify the message displayed when no results are found.

ReturnCount (String)

This property is used to identify the maximum number of records returned per page.

ShowSearch (Boolean)

When this is checked, the WSS Search bar will be displayed.

SiteURL (String)

This property is used to identify the top-level URL of the sites to be searched. If this field is left blank, the current site will be searched.

Target (String)

This field is used to define whether the links on the results will open in a new window (_blank) or the current window (_parent), which is the default.