Modifiable DWP Properties for Document Libraries

CorasWorks web parts have a number of properties that can only be modified by manually editing the DWP file associated with this web part. The property described here applies specifically to document libraries. You can edit a DWP file by exporting the web part to a location of your choice, making the desired changes, and then uploading it back onto your site.

These properties allow you to change the function and display of the web part. Please keep in mind the XML namespace of the web part you are changing, or these properties will not be enabled within the web part. XML namespaces for all CorasWorks web parts are provided in the For Developers help topic.

Also note that some of these properties some may require the use of a "<", ">", or "&" symbol. If that is the case, you will need to replace these characters with their encoded equivalents of "&lt;", "&gt;", and "&amp;" respectively.

These properties are only viewable in the DWP if the default settings have been changed.

NOTE: As of the Summer 05 release of the Workplace Suite, a Localization tab on the administration interface allows you to make many of the localization changes described below. Before you make these changes in the DWP, you may want to review the available settings that can be modified on the Localization tab.

GoDirectlyToItem (Boolean)

This property allows an Administrator to specify whether or not and Item in a document library returned by the web part should be linked to the editform.aspx, or go directly to the document itself.

If you set this property to true, the item link will go directly to the document returned. If you set this property to false, the item link will take the user directly to the edit page for the item. This property only functions for document library types.

<GoDirectlyToItem xmlns="webpart_namespace">true/false</GoDirectlyToItem>

<GoDirectlyToItem xmlns= "CorasWSC.My.Document.RollUp">true</GoDirectlyToItem>

ShowIcons (Boolean)

This performance enhancement feature allows the administrator to specify whether or not a document display should include an icon to represent the document type.

If this option is set to true, the user will see a type icon for each document displayed. If this property is set to false, no icon will be included in the return. This property only functions for document library types.

Use: <ShowIcons xmlns="webpart_namespace">true/false</ShowIcons>

Example: <ShowIcons xmlns= "CorasWSC.My.Document.RollUp">true</ShowIcons>