UTN Admin: Formatting Tab

NOTE: This topic applies only to the Summer 2005 and later versions of the Up To Navigation (UTN) web part. If you are working with a prior release, please see “UTN: Web Part Properties” instead.

When you are finished making the necessary changes on this tab, click any other administration tab to save your changes and keep the administration interface open, or click OK to save your changes and return to the web part display.

All of the default properties are designed for the standard Team Web Site Template made available within Windows SharePoint Services.

CSS Class

This field is used to identify the name of the CSS class to be used in place of all the above settings. This overrides all other setting except the Apply Transparency property.

Text Alignment

This field is used to identify the text alignment that you want to use within the web part. The default is “right.”  Other options are “center” and “left.”

Header Background Color

This field is used to identify the background color to be used within the web part display. If you leave this field blank, the background will be transparent and whatever color is below the web part will be used.

Sub-Header Background Color

This field is used to identify the background color used for the drop down. The default is #003399 (Medium Blue).

Sub-Header Background Color When Selected

This field is used to identify the background color used when a mouse is placed over the sites returned in the drop down. The default is #000066 (Dark Blue).

Font and Style

This field is used to identify the name and style of text used within the web part.
The default is “font-family: Verdana,serif; font-size; 8pt; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; width: 100%”.

Apply Transparency

When this checkbox is selected, the sites in the drop-down will be displayed with a 20% transparency, allowing the user to see what is beneath the results.

SPS My Site Path

This field allows you to change the default SPS My Site characteristics of the web part. By default, the web part will modify the URL "/mysite" to point to "/personal/User". This allows the web part to search through the MySite section of SharePoint Portal Server. However, SPS allows administrators to alter the URL definition for each SPS server. To accommodate this, the SPS My Site Path field allows you to alter the web part to support your organization’s SPS MySite setup.