UTN: Web Part Properties (Pre-Summer 2005 Only)

NOTE: This topic applies only to versions of the Up To Navigation web part from before the Summer 2005 release. If you are working with the Summer 2005 or a later release, please see UTN Admin: Formatting Tab instead.

All of the default properties are designed for the standard Team Web Site Template made available within Windows SharePoint Services.

Header Background Color

This field is used to identify the the background color to be used within the Up To Navigation Web Part. Leaving this field blank will make the background transparent, using instead whatever color is below the web part.

Header Alignment

This field is used to identify the text alignment that you want to use within the web part. The default is “right.”  Other options are “center” and “left.”

Sub Header Background Color

This field is used to identify the background color used for the drop-down.  The default is #003399 (Medium Blue).

Sub Header Background Selected Color

This field is used to identify the background color used when a mouse hovers over the sites returned in the drop down.  The default is #000066 (Dark Blue).

Text Style

This field is used to identify the style of text used within the web part.
The default is “font-family: Verdana,serif; font-size; 8pt; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; width: 100%”.

CSS Class

This field is used to identify the CSS class used in place of all the above settings. This overrides all other setting except the Show Transparency property.

Show Transparency in Sub Header

Toggle this checkbox on to display sites in the drop-down with a 20% transparency, allowing the user to see what is beneath the results.  This checkbox is selected by default.