Web Part Properties

CorasWorks Properties

Show Search Bar

When this option is checked, the WSS Search bar will be displayed.

Administration Properties

Site URL

This text box is used to define the URL(s) of the sites to be searched. If you leave this field blank, the web part will start the search from the URL on which it is placed.

Levels Searched

This text box is used to define the number of levels to search.  The default is zero.

NOTE: This web part does not use a separate indexing system such as in SharePoint Portal Server, so it can be a bit slow. As a result, you will want to limit the number of levels searched. It should only be used for small groups of sites where you need to break the barrier of being able to search a few sites where information is separated. It is not meant to be used as an entire site search function.

Display Properties

Group By

This field is used to determine the field or value by which the search results will be grouped. For example, when Group By is set to Title, the results will be grouped alphabetically by Title. When the Group By field is used, it will override the Display and Max Return Count values. Results can be grouped by the following values:

•      Site URL

•      Site Title

•      Title

•      List Name

•      Size

•      Modified By

•      Date Last Modified

•      URL

Group By Properties

This entry allows the administrator to specify the look and feel of the grouped items by specifying background color, font style, and whether the initial view should be expanded or contracted. If no properties are chosen, the default "FontStyle" and "TDColor" (background color) properties will be used. Each element of this property must be separated by a comma and there must be no space between each property element and the delineating commas. Color may be entered in Hex format or as a color name.

Row Color,Font Style,true/false

blue,font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: white; font-weight: bold,true

First Element = Tree-View TD Background Color, Second Element = Tree-View Font Style, Third Element = Expanded/Contracted (true/false)


This text box contains the HTML code used to define how the search results will be displayed. The default values are as follows:

<!-- Denotes Beginning of Header //-->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<!-- Denotes End of Header //-->
<!-- Denotes Beginning of Body //-->
<tr><td><table width="100%" border="0">
<tr align="left" valign="top"><td width="2%"><img src="<%Icon URL%>"></td>
<td width="68%"><a href="<%URL%>" target="<%Target%>"><%Title%></a><br><%List Name%></td>
<td width="30%"><%Date Last Modified%><br>By: <%Modified By%></td></tr>
<!-- Denotes End of Body //-->
<!-- Denotes Beginning of Footer //-->
<!-- Denotes End of Footer //-->

Other available variables are:

<%Total Results%> which displays the total results found. This is Only available for use in the header and footer area.


This text box is used to define where the results will display.  The default is the current window, or “_parent.”  You may change this value to “_blank” to display results in a new window.

Return Properties

Max Return Count

This text box is used to define the maximum number of records returned per page.

No Results Found Message

This text box is used to define the message displayed when no results are found.


WSS Search supports complex filtering, which allows for SQL-like information queries. They can be comprised of a selection of fields and values.


When defining complex filters, concatenation is allowed using Boolean AND, OR, and NOT operators. You can use parentheses to group clauses and force precedence. The AND operator has precedence over other operators. For example:
([Site Title] = 'Project Workspace 1' OR [Site Title] = 'Project Workspace 2') AND [Date Last Modified] > #1/1/2006#

The following operators are allowed when creating comparison filters:

•      <

•      >

•      <=

•      >=

•      <>

•      =

•      IN

•      LIKE

Search Values

When creating a filter for the WSS search, we can use the same fields that the results can be grouped upon:

•      Date Last Modified

•      List Name

•      Modified By

•      Site Title

•      Site URL

•      Size

•      Title

•      URL

When applying the filter, enclose strings with single quotes: Title='Tab'.  If the field being filtered upon contains a space, it needs to be enclosed within brackets: [Site Title]>'Project Workspace'.  For filters that contain enumeration values, cast the value to an integer data type and omit any quotation marks. For example: Size=0  

When filtering on dates, the filter supports the filtering on specific dates.  However, to indicate a date field, the date needs to be surrounded with # characters.  For example, to see all items that have been modified since January 1, 2006, the filter would read: [Date Last Modified] > #1/1/2006#

Null Identifiers

If a column does not contain data, the use of a column='' is not permissible and will not return the results that you are looking for. Since the column row is empty, it will not respond with a String result, but rather a NULL response. Because of this, you need to use the "IS NULL" or "IS NOT NULL" request to see if a column contains or does not contain any data. For example:

•      Title IS NULL

•      Title IS NOT NULL

Wildcard Characters

Both the * and % characters can be used interchangeably as wildcards in a LIKE comparison.  A wildcard is allowed at the beginning of a pattern, at the end of a pattern, or both. For example:

•      Title LIKE '*product*'

•      Title LIKE '*product'

•      Title LIKE 'product*'

Wildcards are not allowed in the middle of a string. For example, 'te*xt' is not allowed.  If the string in a LIKE clause contains a * or %, those characters should be escaped in brackets ([]). If a bracket is in the clause, the bracket characters should be escaped in brackets (for example [[] or []]).