Web Part Properties (Pre-Summer 2005 only)

NOTE: This topic applies only to versions of Advanced Calendar Roll-Ups from before the Summer 2005 release. If you are working with the Summer 2005 or a later release, please see the corresponding “Admin” topic instead.

Cache Properties (Shared View Administration Only)

Enable Cache

This toggle allows you to activate or deactivate caching of the data collected by the web part. If this is enabled, all information collected by the web part will be stored in the memory of the server for future use. This can save on performance, as you will not be collecting the data each time a hit is completed on the web part. Since the web part executes a double-hit against the page to create the calendar image, it is recommended you activate this property.

Cache Interval

This text box is used to define an integer to reflect the number of minutes for which information will be cached. The default is 1 minute, but this can be increased or decreased as necessary. The only entry permitted here is a number.

Cache Per User

This toggle is used to indicate whether you want to cache the results returned per user or for all users. The difference here is that if your users have the same access to the same data collected by the web part, it may be more prudent to turn this off so the data is stored in memory only once. The opposite holds true if your users have access to different pieces of data; in this case, it would be more effective to enable Cache Per User.

Cache Data After Filter

This toggle allows the web part to cache the data after a filter operation has been completed. This is overridden if a web part connection has been enabled.

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Connectable Properties

Cell Field Name

This text box is utilized when a cell consumer connection has been established between another web part and this one. You must enter the cell that you would like to filter on for the results that are collected by this web part. For instance, if you have collected the Date Due field and you want to compare it to the End column from another web part, you would type Date Due in this field. Once that was done, all filters would be performed via the "Date Due" column.

Click here for more information about connectability.

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Administration Properties

Enable Multi-Threading

This performance enhancement feature allows the web part (web part A in the example below) to manage its own threads rather than submitting threads to be serially queued in the SharePoint thread management process. This allows parallel execution of multiple web parts, improving server performance under heavy loads.

NOTE: This option should only be enabled if you meet the following criteria.

      Your web server has multiple processors

      Web part A is being used for heavy transactions against SQL server, returning 1000+ Items

      There is a heavy user load on webpartA

      You have configured the IIS application pool corresponding to the virtual server to use multiple worker processes (a.k.a. 'Web Garden')

Enabling this option on web part A may not improve the performance of web part A. However, this option is designed to allow web part A to run independently of the SharePoint web part queue. This means that control will be returned to the SharePoint process more rapidly, allowing other web parts and web part pages to be rendered while the “expensive” web part A is running.

IMPORTANT! Only perform the following steps if you understand the use and impact of editing the web.config file.

If you enable ThreadWebPart and notice that the web part times out, you will be be required to update the web.config for the virtual server hosting the site where this web part is being used.

NOTE: Make a copy of the web.config file before attempting the following.

The web.config file has a line "<WebPartWorkItem Timeout="7000" />". This specifies the amount of time given to a thread to collect and present data. If you are collecting large amounts of data, this may need to be increased to support this higher load. The 7000 represents 7000 milliseconds. If you wish to allow a thread to execute for a longer period, you must change this to the value you require. (Example: 60 Seconds = 60000). Some experimentation may be required.

Show Roll-Up Administration (Version 3.25 only)

This selectable choice shows the web part’s administration view, allowing Administrators to manage the lists and schemas utilized by the web part. This view is only available to Administrators of the Site or Web, or it can be viewed within in a Shared View.

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Calendar Formatting Properties

Calendar List Item Return Format (Required)

This allows the items returned within the calendar to be formatted to contain information that may be pertinent. The format of this return allows for three variables:

      <%Site%> - Site title where list item exists

      <%List%> - List title where lists item exists

      <%ListItem%> - List item "Title" returned

You can format the return in any way, provided that the variables entered are correct. An example would be to return the List Title along with the List Item Title. This can be done by placing "<%List%> & <%ListItem%>" within the text box, where "&" can be substituted for any character or phrase, or it can remain an ampersand. You can also switch the order by placing the "<%ListItem%>" before the "<%List%>".

Time Separator Character

Here you can specify the character used to separate hours and minutes when displaying time within the calendar.

Time Format

Enter either “0” or “-1” to specify whether the calendar displays time using a 12-hour or a 24-hour format.

      0 = 12 hour

      -1 = 24 hour

Date Order

Enter “0”, “1”, or “2” to specify the format in which the date is displayed in the calendar's heading.

      0 = Month/Day/Year

      1 = Day/Month/Year

      2 = Year/Month/Day

First Day of Week

Enter “0” through “6” to specify the day of the week that the calendar displays as the first day of the week.

      0 = Monday

      1 = Tuesday

      2 = Wednesday

      3 = Thursday

      4 = Friday

      5 = Saturday

      6 = Sunday

AM Caption

The text used to specify "AM" time.

PM Caption

The text used to specify "PM" time.

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Return Properties

Show Nothing At Startup

This performance enhancement toggle allows the calendar to display no results until the user completes a search. This can save much-needed performance when accessing multiple lists and/or sites. With some configuration, this can also allow you to have more than one roll-up on a page without harming performance. In that case, each roll-up would point to a different list with a different schema and utilize a form web part or another connected web part as a search mechanism for all roll-ups on that page.

Required Search String

(Optional) Users are permitted to search for specific phrases to return only the information that pertains to them. However, Administrators can deactivate this feature by placing a valid search phrase in the Required Search String field. When this is done, the web part will return the items found via the search phrase. The fields that can be utilized in this search string are identified in the Supported Schemas section of this help, on the “Search Fields” line of each identified schema.

NOTE: If anything is entered in this field, the Search function will be deactivated for general users.

Allow Complex Filters

When this is checked, Complex Filters are enabled. For details, see Using Complex Filters.


(Optional) Administrators can use the Filter field to control the web part’s return at a higher level. Unlike the Required Search String (above), Administrators can specify the field to search and, if anything is entered here, users will still be able to search on the filtered return.

The fields available to use for filtering are identified in the Supported Schemas section of this help, on the “Filterable Fields” line of each identified schema.

A noticeable difference between this filter and older CorasWorks filters is that this is designed to use only a complex filter. Old Filters (field=text) are no longer permitted and now use the new complex filter format. For details regarding how to create a complex filter, see Complex Filters.

Because standard complex filters cannot handle the Date Add function, CorasWorks has built in an add function that can be used within the filter. The format for the add function is ":add:date(optional):#:add:" If you do not wish to place a date within the :add: function, the format would alter and look like ":add:#:add:". The # signifies a number and can be a positive or negative integer.


Requirement 1:
Show me all tasks which are assigned to me and are due within seven days

[Assigned To]='[ME]' AND [Due Date]>#:add:-1:add:# AND [Due Date]<#:add:today:7:add:#

Requirement 2:
Show me all tasks which are assigned to me or to someone else

[Assigned To]='[ME]' || [Assigned To]='UserName'

Requirement 3:
Show me all tasks which are not assigned to me

Not [Assigned To]='[ME]'


[ME] = Currently Logged In User
[TODAY] = Today's Date
:add:7:add: = Add To Today's Date 7 Days
:add:1/1/2002:7:add: = Add 7 Days to 1/1/2002 (1/8/2002)

The following filter helpers are made available for use by 4.0 Complex Filters. These are not recommended for use here, but are available if you wish.

[Today] = Today's Date
[CurrentYearStart] = Current Years First Day Date
[CurrentYearEnd] = Current Years Last Day Date
[CurrentWeekStart] = Current Weeks First Day Date
[CurrentWeekEnd] = Current Weeks Last Day Date
[CurrentMonthStart] = Current Months First Day Date
[CurrentMonthEnd] = Current Months Last Day Date

Tips on Defining Filters

1. Available Columns for Filter Definition

Columns do not have to be displayed in order to be referenced in a filter, but they do need to be searchable.  To make a column searchable, the Search box must selected when the roll-up is created via the Roll-Up Wizard. Be default, all columns that are selected in the Roll-Up Wizard for display are also marked as searchable.

2. Contains vs. Is Equal To or =

Because SharePoint sometimes stores data differently than the way it is displayed, you may find that you get better results from your filters when you use the "Contains" operator instead of "Is Equal To" or “=”.

For example, you may see the name "Bob Smith" in a list item that includes the Assigned To field. However, SharePoint stores this name with extra characters, so the actual stored value may be something like "3;#Bob Smith." Therefore, if you want to filter on records that were assigned to Bob, you get the desired results if you build the filter with the "Contains" operator.

3. Using Yes/No Columns vs. Choice Columns with Yes/No Options

It is important to understand the difference between Yes/No columns and Choice columns with Yes and No options.

When you use a Yes/No column, SharePoint stores a “True” value when the field is selected and leaves it blank when it is not selected. As a result, if you want to filter on a Yes/No column, you need to set the filter to look for the appropriate value:

      To filter on a selected (Yes) value, the filter would be “column=True” (replace “column” with the name of your column)

      To filter on a non-selected (No) value, the filter would be “column<>True”

When you use a Choice column with Yes and No options, the filter should be defined as “column=value”.

Override Filter

If a row or cell connection has been established with another web part, you can set up the filter above to be overridden if someone chooses a field in the connected web part. This can be helpful if you would like to have a defaulted view of information returned based upon of the fields from the other web part, so as to control the amount of information returned on the page.

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Search List Properties

The following properties allow you to connect another list from any other site and list to this web part. This allows you to use the results stored in one field for searches within the web part, providing your users a list of standard search criteria to select from, instead of a free-form search.

The list can come from a column of any list located anywhere in the system.  As an example, say you have a list of customers located in your Sales Department sites.  In your Customer Service site, you track the calls from customers.  You can configure a roll-up view in Customer Service to include a drop-down list of customers that comes from the Sales Department site.

Site URL

Enter the Site URL of the site that you would like to access a list from. If the list exists within the same site as this web part, no Site URL is required.

List Name

Enter the "Display Name" of the list that you would like to return. The Display Name is the name displayed in the "Documents and Settings" area of SharePoint. It is not the URL name of the list. If you wish to see a list of users from the site you have chosen as a site URL or the current site, you can use the parameter "%USER%".

Field Name

Enter the Field Name of the field that you want to use to populate the search drop-down. The web part will look at all results within the list and return items from that list field, removing any duplicates.

If you identified the "%USER%" parameter in the List Name field above, you can utilize the "email", "loginname", or "username" field. These will allow you to select the email address, login name, or user name of the individuals who have access to the site.

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