Admin: Localization Tab

The Localization tab allows you to customize the messages, prompts, button labels, and options displayed by the web part (e.g., link to add a new child item, message displayed when no records meet the criteria for the Cross-Connect, etc.). It also allows you to customize all of the text on the administration interface, including tab and section names and descriptions, field names, drop-down field options, and button labels.  Content is grouped by the tab on which it appears. 

An additional section on this tab, which is labeled with the web part name, allows you to modify the following:

      Administration interface tab names

      Messages displayed to users (e.g., no items found, web part time out)

      Text used for “Add New” link

      Text used for “Actions” and “Show Version” options on web part menu

      Text used for options presented when “Actions” is selected from web part menu

To customize any of this information, simply locate the text you want to change and type over it with the desired content.

Use the Filter at the top of the tab to easily find content. Just type the content you're looking for and then click Filter.

To reset a value back to its default, delete the value in the text box and apply the changes by clicking OK or another administration tab. The next time the corresponding tab loads, the default value will be displayed.

When you are finished making the necessary changes on this tab, click any other administration tab to save your changes and keep the administration interface open, or click OK to save your changes and return to the Cross-Connect display.

You may find it helpful to open another browser session and view the results of your customizations as you save your changes.