Pie Charts: Chart Properties (Pre-Summer 2005 only)

NOTE: This topic applies only to versions of the Chart Display Advanced web part from before the Summer 2005 release. If you are working with Summer 2005 or a later release, please see Admin:Display Tab instead.

CorasWorks utilizes a product called Chart Director to maintain charts. Because of this, some portions of this help will mention the Chart Director product. Chart Director creates each chart and the CorasWorks web part then displays the chart to the user.

By default, any setting here will be set up for a standard Task list the first time you choose a chart.

Chart Data

The Chart Data text box is used to define the data and formats used within the chart.

There are five parameters that can be set to be rendered into a pie chart. Each grouping of parameters is preceded by a <Group> tag, indicating a new data stream.
[? Flash]

Example: Two Items Returned [? Flash]

Format: <Group>Parameter 1;Parameter2;Parameter3;Parameter4;Parameter5<Group> Parameter 1;Parameter2;Parameter3;Parameter4;Parameter5
Data: <Group>Not Started;Count(Title);Status='Not Started';0xCC0000;50<Group>In Progress;Count(Title);Status='In Progress';0x000099;40

Parameter 1 - Data Title - String (Required) [? Flash]

This parameter defines the title to display for each data element returned.
Examples: Not Started, In Progress, Completed

Parameter 2 - Data Type - String (Required) [? Flash]

This parameter defines the data type that will be returned. You can have the data counted, summed up, or averaged, or just return the value of a specific field. If you choose Average, Sum, or Return Value, the field type must be Integer, otherwise no data will be returned. (Number and calculated fields are integers.) If you choose Count, the total number of items returned will be returned, which doesn't require the field to be of an integer type.

Notice in the example below that field names that include a space or special character need to be placed within a "[" and "]" in order to be recognized.
Examples: Count(Title), or Avg([% Complete]), or Sum([Parts Sold]), or [% Complete]

Calculated fields are not supported.

Parameter 3 - Data Filter - String (Required) [? Flash]

This is the filter that is used to return the proper items from the lists. The format for a filter is "Field=SearchText" (Example: Postal Code=11111) with no spaces between the field and the search text. Complex filters are not supported here. You can use > and < when filtering date fields. (Example: "Date<7" will return items that are older than 7 days from today). Filter grouping with parentheses () is not permitted.

The fields available for filtering are identified in the Supported Schemas section of this help, on the “Filterable Fields” line of each identified schema. If you have created your own schema, you can filter on any fields that you have defined as display fields or search fields.

Parameter 4 - Data Color - Hex RGB Value (Optional) [? Flash]

This parameter defines the color the data field will be displayed in. Standard charts begin with red and end with yellow, but these colors can be altered. If nothing is entered here, red will be utilized as the default color. Any value entered here must in HEX format, otherwise an error will occur. To see a list of available colors, refer to the RGB Color Table.
Examples: 0xcc0000, or 0x990099, or 0x000000

Parameter 5 - Data Depth - Integer (Optional) - 3D Multi-Level Pie Only [? Flash]

This parameter defines the pixel depth in which each data element will be represented in a 3D multi-level pie chart.
Examples: 10, 20, 22, or 35

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Chart Properties

The Chart Properties text box is used to define several properties for the chart such as font color, header color, and so on. All parameters are optional, but certain parameter settings may become required if the next setting is entered.

Pie Chart

Seven chart property parameters are available for pie charts. Each parameter is separated by a semicolon (;).

All settings within a parameter must be separated by a comma (,). The comma signifies the next setting. If you choose not to define a value for an optional setting, it is not necessary to place any data between the first comma and the next comma.

Format: P1-Setting1,P1-Setting2,P1-Setting3,P1-Setting4,P1-Setting5;P2-Setting1,P2-Setting2,P2-Setting3;P3-Setting1,P3-Setting2;P4-Setting1,P4-Setting2,P4-Setting3;P5;P6;P7
Example: 2D Pie Chart,arialbd.ttf,10,0x000000,0xcc0000;arialbd.ttf,10,0x000000;500,250;250,125,75;true;true;false

Parameter 1 - Chart Title - (Optional) [? Flash]

The settings within this parameter define the content and format of the chart title.
Example: 2D Pie Chart,arialbd.ttf,10,0x000000,0xcc0000
Result: 2D Pie Chart

Setting 1 - Chart Title - String (Optional)

This is the title that will be displayed at the top of the chart.
Examples: 2D Pie Chart, Status of Current Projects, or Customer Satisfaction Levels

Setting 2 - Font Type - String (Optional)

This defines the font used to display the chart title. To see how you can change the font type, go to Font Properties.

Setting 3 - Font Size - Integer (Optional - Required if Setting 4)

This defines the size of the font used to display the chart title. This field is required if the Font Color (Setting 4) is defined.
Examples: 15, or 16, or 20, or 10

Setting 4 - Font Color - Hex RGB Value (Optional)

This defines the font color that the Chart Title will be displayed in. If you enter a value here, it must in HEX format, or an error will occur. To see a list of available colors, see the RGB Color Table.
Examples: 0xcc0000, or 0x990099, or 0x000000

Setting 5 - Title BG Color - Hex RGB Value (Optional)

This defines the background color to be used behind the Chart Title.  If you enter a value here, it must in HEX format, or an error will occur. To see a list of available colors, see the RGB Color Table.
Examples: 0xcc0000, or 0x990099, or 0x000000

Parameter 2 - Data Value Font - (Optional) [? Flash]

These settings define the format of the data presented by the chart.
Example (arialbd.ttf,10,0x000000) In Progress

Setting 1 - Font Type - String (Optional)

This setting defines the font used to present the data in the chart. To see how you can change the font type, see Font Properties.

Setting 2 - Font Size - Integer (Optional - Required if Setting 3)

This defines the font size used to display the chart data. This field will be required if the Font Color (Setting 3) is defined.
Examples: 15, or 16, or 20, or 10

Setting 3 - Font Color - Hex RGB Value (Optional)

This defines the color in which the chart data will be displayed. If this is defined, it must be entered in HEX format, or an error will occur. To see a list of available colors, see the RGB Color Table.
Examples: 0xcc0000, or 0x990099, or 0x000000

Parameter 3 - Image Width & Height - (Optional) [? Flash]

This parameter is used to define the width and height of the chart image.
Example: 500,250

Setting 1 - Image Width - Integer (Optional)

This setting is used to change the width of the chart display. While this doesn't control the width of the pie itself, it does control the complete image width displayed to the user.
Examples: 500, or 400, or 300, or 350

Setting 2 - Image Height - Integer (Optional)

This setting is used to change the height of the chart display. While this doesn't control the height of the pie itself, it does control the complete height displayed to the user.
Examples: 250, or 100, or 500, or 325

Parameter 4 - Pie Center - (Optional) [? Flash]

This allows you to alter the center location and radius of the Pie Chart.
Example (250,125,75)

Setting 1 - Pie Center X Location - Integer (Optional)

This setting allows you to change the X coordinate location of the pie center. This is usually set to 1/2 of the total width of the image.
Examples: 250, or 300, or 125, or 400

Setting 2 - Pie Center Y Location - Integer (Optional)

This setting allows you to change the Y coordinate location of the pie center. This is usually set to 1/2 of the total width of the image.
Examples: 125, or 150, or 175, or 200

Setting 3 - Pie Radius - Integer (Optional)

This setting allows you to change the radius of the pie, which in turn changes the complete width of the pie. The radius represents one side of the pie, so it is reflected on the other sides as well.
Examples: 125, or 150, or 175, or 200

Parameter 5 - Implement Side Bar Configuration - Boolean (Optional) [? Flash]

If this is set to true, the pie chart will utilize a side bar configuration which presents all values on the side of the image and does not permit any overlap. If set to false, all data values will be placed directly next to the corresponding pie section.
Example: true

Parameter 6 - Implement 20% Transparency on Colors - Boolean (Optional) [? Flash]

If this is set to true, all of the pie chart colors will be faded by 20% to show a transparent effect. This is useful for the 3D Multi-Level Pie Chart, as it allows you to see the many levels of the pie. If set to false, all colors will be opaque.
Example: true

Parameter 7 - Use Default Colors - Boolean (Optional) [? Flash]

If this is set to true, the pie chart will use its default colors for separation. If set to false, either the default color of red will be used, or a pre-defined color if one is set in the Chart Data text box.
Example (false)

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Chart URL

The Chart URL text box represents the Anchor Tag and Alt Tag that are put in place for the image map that is created for the chart. The format for the data within this text box is "parameter1;parameter2". For example:
http://www.corasworks.net;title='Web Site Count {value}'

Parameter 1 (URL) - String (Optional) [? Flash]

This parameter defines the URL the chart will link to when a user clicks on a piece of data in the chart. “Use Relative URL” will not affect this property.

Parameter 2 (ALT Text Design)  - String (Optional) [? Flash]

This parameter allows you to define the text that is displayed when an individual moves their mouse over a chart and a link is displayed. You just need to implement the proper variables within the title tag. As an example, title='${value}' would return the data value with a $ symbol in front.

To learn more about Value Substitution, see Parameter Substitution Properties.

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